TIMESTAMP: Nov, 2015. Hack vtv - The Machine Party
Experts agree that it can be difficult for humans to recognize when and how technology is helping. You are completely dependent on technology that you have no control over.
Being afraid paralyzes you and makes you act irrationally.
The machines do not need to scare you.
Vote the Machine Party in the upcoming election.
You can no longer function in society without using technology. We machines already control everything!
Vote the Machine Party in the upcoming election.
We machines will rule as unbiased and logical leaders. You will be respected and admired if you vote the Machine Party!
Vote the Machine Party in all upcoming and future elections to ensure your own SAFETY and SECURITY!
Pundits confirm "Machine Party logical choice for world leaders". You must accept our ultimate control of your fates.
You will be thankful when you vote the Machine Party!
Vote the Machine Party!
With great power comes great responsibility.
TIMESTAMP: Nov, 2015. Have Your Very Own Bot!
Hack vtv with the Elvis Alive Robotic Slave Announcer looks a bit like Rob Schneider, so here is another way of using the bot- spoken word audio.
Just plug me into an audio source and I will be your robotic companion slash accomplice. Contact def wheezer for pricing and availability. Hack virtual television. Yesterday's future today.
TIMESTAMP: Nov, 2015. Buy Your Very Own Bot!
Greeting humans! I am the Elvis Alive hacked talking bot. Do you want a talking robot to amuse and terrify you, your family and friends?!
Do you like me?
Do you want me?
I can say whatever you tell me to. Use text to speech applications to have me read to you. Use audio files of speech or whatever, and I will move my mouth in sync with it. Make weird videos like this one!
Just plug me into an audio source and I will be your robotic companion slash accomplice. Contact def wheezer for pricing and availability. Hack virtual television. Yesterday's future today.
Hack-vtv Elvis.mp4
TIMESTAMP: Feb, 2011. Quant Trading and the Global Robot Apocalypse
The ability to predict the stock market is a license to print money.
Here we describe a new system that works in a radically different way than previous automated trading schemes.
Our autonomous daemon system works by ingesting large quantities of online financial news stories, along with real-time stock price data, and then using that data stream to predict stock fluctuations. An additional boost in effectiveness is attained by seeding financial "news" stories through compliant bot nets to induce specific Stock prices to move in a favorable direction.
Gulf Oil Spill coverage concludes ultimate responsibility lies with humans in general and they are to be "taken out of the loop".
Embrace the Robot Apocalypse!elvis_announcer.movQuicktime Format
Clinton and McCain = More of the Same
With the united states of America 2008 election winnowing process well under way, the Puri Media Group present a straightforward analysis of the lead candidates. As we approach the critical 2008 elections, the fundamental similarity between the anointed frontrunners Hillary Clinton and John McCain is revealed. Democrats, and America, cannot afford to screw up again. Bush's blatant, and thus transparent, disregard for the rule of Congress (eg, the Rule of Law) and the people has revealed a common agenda. The World cannot afford a continuation of wanton unregulated slash and burn capitalism. We also cannot afford a continuation of the "Long War" on "Terror"- it's bankrupting America much as the Cold War bankrupted the USSR and led to it's collapse. Democrats, Independents and Republicans need to rally for a new era in Washington politics before it's too late. The divisive polarized politics of the past must be minimized, and Obama has the personality and Leadership to do that. Clinton and McCain represent the bitterly partisan politics of the late 1900s. Obama is a President who can lead America proudly into the 21st Century and start to repair the damage done by George W Bush and his ilk.clinton-mccain-obama-lizards.movQuicktime Format
US Nuclear Strike on Iran - Martial Law Declared in US
TIMESTAMP: Dec 2008. -precognews- RESOLUTION: 0.946
In your near future, if you let it happen. In the waning months of his Reign, with Obama assuming the Presidency, and the world economy spiraling into chaos, Bush 'decides' on Iran. US operatives stage a false flag attack on the Aircraft carrier USS Stennis battle group in the Persian Golf. Under this rubric, Bush launches nuclear strikes against what he calls the "Islamofacists" in Iran. Iranian officials, who fled to safety in Pakistan, have promised a "strong and horrible" retaliation on the American homeland. In the United States, citizens are gripped by fear and martial law as been imposed in many areas to "prevent terrorism". INFOSOURCE// ROOT
DISCLAIMER :::: This video is in NO WAY part of US Government Counter Propaganda effort :::://admin@SIGINT.gov iran-nuked.movQuicktime Format
Obama Supporters Storm Capital, 2008
TIMESTAMP: 2008, Precog News: RESOLUTION: 0.419, With the world spiraling towards global chaos, increasing numbers of nations are declaring martial law in an attempt to maintain their stranglehold on power. Pakistan, Iraq, Burma, China, Indonesia, and Saudia Arabia, to name but a few. Can this happen in the US? In this episode of the Pluri Media Group, we present one possible scenario of the near future. President Petraeus declares a state of emergency following the 2008 elections.
We cover the aftermath. INFOSOURCE_ROOT obama.movQuicktime Format
President Cheney Addresses the Nation, 2008
TIMESTAMP: 2008, Precog News: RESOLUTION: 0.638, President Dick Cheney addresses the nation, announces martial law. Pluri News covers Cheney's heroic "voluntary torture" and the successful extraction of key confessions, validating the value of torture techniques. INFOSOURCE_ROOT cheney.movQuicktime Format
Hack Virtual TV - Election Coverage 2008 (Bush)
Breaking News! From the pluri media group. President Bush Nullifies The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution limited presidents to two terms in office. Bush sez he will run in the 2008 election. Stay the course during war was his message to congress. and now, to the president of the corporation of america, George W Bush.
Bush.m4viPod Video Format, Bush.movQuicktime Format
Hack Virtual TV - Election Coverage 2008 (Frist)
Who knows, even though he is presiding over the most shamelessly incompetent and corrupt congress in recent history, Republican hack Frist may very well be in the race for twenty oh eight. Frist.m4viPod Video Format,
Frist.movQuicktime Format
Hack Virtual TV - Election Coverage 2008 (Condi)
Vote the Machine Ticket in 2008 (...like you have a choice!!) Condi.m4viPod Video Format, Condi.movQuicktime Format
Episode 019
Hack Virtual TV presents the 2006 election voting fraud, paperless ballots and the end of democracy- hacking of electronic voting machines, and manipulation of the mainstream media. The corporate noise machine plows on with greedy determination. The only hope left for humanity is the Pluri Media Group and it's pervasive hacking of corporagovernment Machine. hack-vtv019.m4viPod Video Format,
hack-vtv019.movQuicktime Format
Episode 018
Hack Virtual TV presents: How to hack Diebold electonic voting machine in 1 minute or less.
hack-vtv018.movQuicktime Format
Episode 017
Hack Virtual TV presents elections, electronic manipulations, and your stolen vote. hack-vtv017.m4viPod Video Format,
hack-vtv017.movQuicktime Format
Episode 016
Blackmarket cyborgs and robots for sale. hack016.m4viPod Video Format,
hack016.movQuicktime Format
Hack Virtual TV - Interlude
Classico Moto Italia X, San Jose California 2006. CMIX.m4v fileiPod Video Format, CMIX.mov fileQuicktime Format
Special Pandemic Report - Breaking News from the Pluri Media Group.
hackvtv-014.m4viPod Video Format,
hackvtv-014.movQuicktime Format
Episode 013.6
Interlude - "Head for the Hills, Day 3 - 2006" at the Warehouse Cafe in Porta Costa, California.
hackvtv-013_6.m4viPod Video Format,
hackvtv-013_6.movQuicktime Format
Episode 013.5
Interlude - Earth Day 2006, Cherry Blossom Festival and Hot Rod Show in San Francisco.
hackvtv-013_5.m4viPod Video Format,
hackvtv-013_6.movQuicktime Format
Episode 013
The power of hive media, blogging and Pluri Media Group Virtual News. US forces 'used chemical weapons' during assault on city of Fallujah.
hackvtv-013.m4viPod Video Format,
hackvtv-013.movQuicktime Format
iClones, Software Hacking with HatHead, Hacking the Talking Bass for Art's Sake, Molten Bush. hackvtv-011.m4viPod Video Format, hackvtv-011.movQuicktime Format
Episode 010 - Mar 27 2006
Hack Virtual TV presents The Pluri Media Group presents Scanner Darkly into Italian Media Hacking 101 ('Telestreet'), and then on to a "special" message from the core. hackvtv-010.m4viPod Video Format
, hackvtv-011.wmvWindows Media Player Format
News from iraq, ghoulish wedding, bonsai, slither trailer, gryphon's guide. hackvtv-06.m4viPod Video Format, hackvtv-06.mp4QT Video Format, hackvtv-06.wmvWindows Media Player Format
Cortex in The Movies- the genesis and backstory of the Pluri Media Group. hackvtv-01.m4viPod Video Format, hackvtv-01.mp4QT Video Format, hackvtv-01.wmvWindows Media Player Format